George & Karen King

Announcement of New Ministry for the Kings

George and Karen are happy to announce that starting in January 2024, they will transition to serving with EveryEthne, a part of the ABWE family of ministries. EveryEthne is aimed at mobilizing local churches to identify and own the lostness of their culturally, socially, and religiously diverse communities, so that every man, woman, and child has repeated opportunities to hear, see, and respond to the Gospel. In this new role, George and Karen will invest time and energy in the following two important projects.

  1. OPEN TORONTO INITIATIVE: ABWE is asking God to raise up a team of 12-15 church planters to begin working among up to five unreached people groups in the Greater Toronto Area. George and Karen are happy to be included in that number! The team will have a field leader, church planters, and other teammates focused on building evangelistic relationships within these communities using creative platforms like teaching English and home Bible studies. Beginning with small groups, they will plant thriving churches within existing Canadian churches, in partnership with FEB Central and other like-minded organizations. George and Karen will start with RESEARCH and SURVEY TRIPS to various parts of the GTA in order to identify future locations for ministry. When other leaders and workers are in place, George and Karen will continue to CONSULT and ASSIST in the ministry.
  2. HEART, MIND & SOUL – MUSLIM SEMINARS: ABWE’s Heart, Mind & Soul – Muslim seminar is an interactive seminar designed to help believers build grace and truth relationships with unbelieving Muslims within their community. Through each interactive seminar, believers are equipped to lovingly engage Muslims in a biblically and culturally appropriate manner. As part of the seminar team, George and Karen will speak from their nearly 40 years of learning and experience.

As ABWE missionaries to unreached peoples in the GTA, we will of course live in Canada. In this new role, we will transition to half-time missionary status, meaning that some of our support needs will be reduced. We hope however, that many who are interested and able will continue to support us financially. We are grateful to God for the way He has cared for our personal and ministry needs through His faithful people over so many years. We are happy to come, meet, speak, share and otherwise explain more of what is envisioned in the Open Toronto Initiative and the Heart, Mind & Soul seminars.

May God’s blessing be upon you,

George and Karen King
ABWE Canada

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