George & Karen King

A New Year Full of Promise

At the year-end Christmas party for students in her English class, Karen decided to show the Jesus Film in their mother tongue. To her surprise, the ladies were riveted and watched as long as they could. When it came time to leave, they all wanted to take a free copy to watch at home. Might this be a sign of things to come?

George found a new friend in a local Muslim man we will call “Nate.” Nate joined the neighbourhood forum that George chairs. He joined particularly because it is led by Christian people who care about the community. Nate laments how his own people seem content to live in the dark ages, unwilling to associate with outsiders whom they view as a threat to their way of life. But Nate is a breath of fresh air and we are pleased to have him on board. Pray for the light of Christ, as George and Nate meet occasionally for coffee and a chat.

Meanwhile, our quest for the old leisure centre land continues at a snail’s pace. The decision we awaited has still not come down to us. In the meantime, we organize ourselves to go forward in the hope that city council will say ‘yes’. A ‘partners meeting’ has been called for February 13th, bringing together organizations and groups with whom we already have a working relationship, as well as others we view as potential partners for this project. It’s a big development on a big piece of land with a big price tag–but we have a big God!

One day as Karen and I took a taxi home from the airport, our Muslim taxi driver became rather inquisitive about the plan for a new church and community centre. He was especially interested in how we would pay for it. I responded by admitting that we don’t yet know but that we trust in God, and if God is pleased, it will happen. We arrived at our house and I proceeded to pay the fare plus some extra for a tip. To my surprise, our Muslim driver declined the tip, handed me a £10 note, and said, “This is for your church building fund.” 

Let the favour of the Lord our God be upon us, 
and establish the work of our hands upon us; 
yes, establish the work of our hands! (Psalm 90:17)

George and Karen

Pray for a UK-wide Outreach Conference

This weekend, over 100 men and women will gather in Birmingham for an all-day conference to learn more about reaching special people to faith in Jesus Christ. George and four other experienced outreach workers have organized this annual conference for five years now. Attendees include believers from that background as well as Christians interested in seeing our special people come to faith. There are many last minute details and errands, keeping us busy until the day arrives. Pray that God will use this time to give people just what they need to go forward with encouragement, inspiration and spiritual power.

Pray for the Ministry and Future of our Church

We have heard nothing at all from the city council about our request that the former swimming / leisure centre site be made available to build a new church and community centre. Now that a general election is planned for December 12th, we suspect that things may be delayed even longer. To be fair, some delay might actually be for our benefit. Pray that if it is God’s will, we will be successful in securing a future home for the church. But more important than that, we value your prayers for the church and its ongoing witness. We sense a need for spiritual awakening both in the church and in the wider neighbourhood. May God have mercy on this place and may His merciful work begin in us.

George and Karen
Birmingham, England

June 2019

“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.”  – Psalm 127:1

Psalm 127 is said to be written by Solomon. This is the same King Solomon who ordered the construction of the magnificent House of worship in Jerusalem, which history calls “Solomon’s Temple”. Solomon understood that no matter how much wealth or wisdom a man may have, “unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain.” These days, I also find myself thinking about building. We’ve been told we will need a new church. Land is available–for now. Money is scarce–yet funders are out there. Our congregation has chosen to trust God, and so with the money it has, we have hired an architect as well as business / fundraising consultants. We believe that God wants to build a house as a blessing to His people, to the community, and to His glorious name.


  • Two people attending church for the last few months have requested baptism. 
  • Karen has had good gospel chats with a few of her ladies in recent weeks.
  • The Foodbank crisis we mentioned is coming to a gradual resolution.


  • Pray for the two baptismal candidates as they grown in the Lord.
  • Several serious personal situations in our church fellowship require prayer. Satan is trying to bring discouragement and discord.
  • Pray for the architect and consultants mentioned above. May God use them to be a blessing to the future of this ministry.

Thank you for your prayers and support,

George and Karen

December 2018

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace
among those with whom he is pleased!” 
(Luke 2:14)

Peace I leave with you;
my peace I give to you.” 
(John 14:27)

The angels announced peace on that first Christmas morn, and to this day, people yearn for peace – world peace, personal peace. One day perhaps soon, Jesus will return and bring world peace, but while we wait, Jesus promised that we can enjoy his personal peace. Our prayer is for that peace to be yours. “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.” (2 Thess 3:16).


  • God answered your prayers for the Nov 10 consultation beset with planning difficulties. The day went very well and produced many useful insights for future special conferences.
  • The foodbank ministry received record donations of groceries and money in December, preparing us well for the increasing numbers of people drawing on the foodbank’s services during this time of economic difficulty in the UK.


  • The crisis regarding the future of the foodbank ministry we mentioned in the last update continues. Please pray for God’s best for its future.
  • Continue to pray for our efforts to obtain a former leisure centre as a new church and community centre. It would be ideally located with room to grow. 

Thank you for your prayers and support,

George and Karen