George & Karen King

Autumn happenings

Karen and I are packing our bags for Malawi, Africa, to stay with our daughter and her husband from October 13th to 21st. Alisa and Adam Gagne serve there as short-term missionaries, and our church here in Birmingham supports them financially. We look forward to seeing their work among youth and AIDS-affected families. Both of us are fighting off colds and the long night flight probably won’t do us any good. Please pray good health.

Less than 2 weeks after we return to England, we fly to an Asian country as guests of a conference for missionaries serving in Muslim-majority nations. We have been asked to share something from our own experience in ministry and be available to counsel with conference attendees. May God use us to encourage others serving Christ in difficult circumstances.

Ministry opportunities abound here in our part of Birmingham. Currently I am leading a 5-week Islam seminar using our church as a venue, having invited specific individuals and congregations. We just completed the third week, and will now break for a week while we are away in Africa. Due to growing demand, Karen now teaches three English classes weekly. Her Moms & Tots ministry is gradually growing with a high of 5 moms coming with their little ones. Karen’s volunteer helper from the church will carry on while we are absent. Great!

Please pray for our church here as it seeks to understand its place in a multi-cultural neighbourhood. It is going through the pains associated with a growing, active ministry footprint in our area, but still waiting for the fruit of new Christians and changed lives. Pray that God will bless us with a passion for people, love among ourselves, and a vision for what God wants to do through us.

All for now,


Looting and Living in England

By now you are aware of the widespread rioting in British cities now in its fourth day. Karen and I are safe, being several miles removed from the current trouble spots. Things can change in a moment, but we do not expect trouble to come our way. Everyone here is shocked and disgusted at the senseless violence, especially since most of the rioters appear to be young people aged 15 to 18. People point fingers in various directions, and no doubt there are many short-term factors contributing to the collapse of law and order. But I keep thinking about Proverbs 29:18–

Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law. (NIV)

Or, as another version puts it…

When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful. (NLT)

And boy are they running wild! The present phenomenon didn’t come about overnight. This society is broken. Britain has lost its way spiritually and has forsaken its Savior. Yet on the other hand it is enamored with so many things: material goods (hence the looting), the new atheism, American pop culture, the Twilight series, fame and celebrity, and the list goes on.

This nation needs help, God’s help. May He help us to be faithful to do our part.

Back to Birmingham!

We are enjoying free wi-fi in Toronto Airport as we wait to board our “red-eye” flight back to Birmingham. The last 3 1/2 months have been great–a birth, a wedding, good times with family and friends, a new roof on our Brantford house, some 21 church gatherings to share what God has done, and now we celebrate our 31st anniversary by traveling back to our mission field. Please continue in prayer for suitable renters for the house while we are in England. Once there, we will basically hit the ground running as we get reacquainted with friends in the church and the community. Today is also the beginning of Ramadan, the month of fasting for our Muslim friends. Many Christians pray in a special way for Muslims during the 30 days of Ramadan. If you would like to learn more, check out

Thank you for standing with us! We appreciate you.

George and Karen

Furlough Foibles

Hi everyone! We want to announce our new website,, and the retirement of our old website, Now that we are empty-nesters, it was about time we had a new web identity. Some of our kids were feeling a little embarassed at the dated family pictures there. Anyway, this new website has everything that was on the old site as well as many new features. Enjoy!

Our 3 1/2 month furlough is winding down. In our Brantford house, there is a lot of painting and other improvements taking place, while we meet regularly with family members to make the most of this brief time. On top of that, we continue to speak at churches to tell them what great things God has done in our 3 years in Birmingham.

Please pray that we will have the expenses covered at our Brantford house while we are away in England. Pray also that we will be able to fully renovate the Al-Kitab website to increase its effectiveness as an international outreach tool. So far over $5000 of our goal of $8500 has come in. Praise God with us!

Karen and I return to Birmingham on August 1st. It will be hard to leave family once again, but it will be good to rekindle friendships we have in England. Thank you for your interest. We appreciate your prayers and support.
