George & Karen King

Equipping Christians to Share Christ with Muslims

The title above is one of our guiding principles in all we do for King Jesus here in Birmingham, England. Both by our teaching and our example, we want Christians to gain the desire and confidence to share the Good News with the many tens of thousands of Muslims in this great city. Our church outreach is geared that way, whether it is English lessons, fitness classes, or special community events. Please continue to pray that God would be at work in the hearts of “Karen’s ladies” and that there would be opportunities to share spiritually with them, as well as with the men who come to George’s men’s conversation class.

Some in our congregation have caught the vision for reaching out and even volunteer to organize outreach activities. Praise God for willing workers! Please pray for our upcoming community activities on the occasion of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. These include a sewing bee to make bunting (festive flags) and cupcake decorating (May 25th and June 1st respectively). These are times when we get to make new friends from the neighbourhood. May God permit us to influence them for the Kingdom of Christ. Finally, on Sunday June 3rd the church will host a traditional English Garden Party, inviting the local community to come with their food and join in the Jubilee celebrations. Promotion is being done through the local primary school and other neighbourhood organizations. Please pray that many come on the day, and that a lasting impact be made.

George has been spending significant time and energy strengthening links with churches in this part of the city. Pastors and church leaders from five area congregations gather each week in our home. Only one of the churches is self-sufficient enough to pay a pastor a full-time wage. Two others have been perilously close to disbanding. At the same time, the local Muslim community grows in strength and numbers. The mosque around the corner from our church purchased a second nearby property to expand its work, and another more conservative mosque and training school for Muslim evangelists has just moved into the neighbourhood despite objections from local residents. In such an environment, it is difficult to get churches excited about reaching out to Muslims. They do well to not become disheartened about the advances made by Islam while churches struggle to survive.

Thank you for praying and giving to this ministry. By your encouragement, God strengthens our hands to continue.

George and Karen
May 2012

2011 in Review

Our Ministry Involves…

George: helping Christians reach out to Muslim people through teaching and example. I pastor a church in multi-cultural environment. I also network with church leaders and workers in the area of sharing Christ with Muslims, and set the example through outreach efforts. I also have extensive online communication relating to outreach and training.
Karen: befriending Muslim women using ESL & Stay and Play as platforms to impact them for Christ.

Ministry Highlights of 2011

George: 1. Reconnecting with supporters during home assignment
2. $7500+ raised for internet ministry
3. Good morale in our Birmingham church
4. Participation in conference for Muslim outreach workers was a wonderful boost
Karen: 1. Having a friend share with me her recurrent dreams of Jesus letting her into heaven. I have given her a More Than Dreams DVD to view and am praying for more private conversations with her.
2. An opportunity to clearly share the gospel with 2 young women I met with weekly for English conversation from Sept to Dec.
3. Several opportunities with K, who has since drifted away, but I’m praying for God’s timing in renewed friendship with her.
4. Many new relationships with women in our neighbourhood.
5. A new helper for Stay and Play after my previous helper was unable to continue. She is getting more involved with women from our area.
6. Church folk seem enthusiastic and supportive.
7. My ladies really enjoyed our Christmas parties – I enjoyed seeing them enjoy themselves playing games and having fun!

Personal Highlights of 2011

1. During home assignment, we were able to be a part of several family events, including the wedding of our youngest daughter, Angelie, who was married in May to a wonderful young Christian man.
2. Two grandsons were born to us in 2011. We were able to be there when the youngest one was born when we went to see our eldest daughter, Amy, in Alberta. At this same time George met our then 17 month old granddaughter for the 1st time (the older sibling of the new baby) and we were able to get to know the church folk where our son in law is serving in Alberta, Canada and fellowship with former ABWE missionaries. It was a wonderful blessing to be at home with family especially to spend time with our 4 young grandchildren and being able to get some much needed work done on our Brantford home.
3. We were able to visit our middle daughter and our son in law in October while they were serving short term in Malawi – what an adventure!
4. Another highlight was reaching my (Karen) weight loss goal (I lost over 50 pounds) and being able to maintain that now, as well as implementing a regular exercise regime.

2011 Ministry and Personal Goals–accomplished?

George’s goals 1. Three-month home assignment from May to July to report to supporters and raise ministry funds. Yes, accomplished.
2. Conduct 2 Muslim outreach training workshops for Birmingham churches. Yes
3. Begin 2 new outreaches in the community. Not accomplished, several months spent in Canada made it unrealistic.
4. Revitalize our website ministries to bring them up to today’s internet standards. In process.

Karen’s goals 1. to begin a weekly club for younger girls. Not accomplished.
2. to maintain my ESL classes and get to know my ladies better; do more Bible stories; witness, pray, visit. Some progress.
3. to publicize the Stay and Play more and pray in the ladies/children God would have me minister to. Some progress.

2012 Ministry and Personal Goals

George’s goals 1. Conduct a major Muslim outreach training workshop for Birmingham churches
2. Relaunch Al-Kitab online Bible correspondence ministry
3. Begin 2 new church-based outreaches in the community.
4. Conduct local outreach effort on occasion of the queen’s Diamond Jubilee
5. Conduct a “Growing Leaders” course for training new leaders

Karen’s goals 1. To continue teaching English classes 2 or 3 times a week as well as meeting with other students as the opportunities present and to have more opportunities to share Christ with them.  To continue praying for these women and their families by name on a consistent basis that God would move in their hearts.
2. To prayerfully consider the continuation of the Stay and Play (for mums and tots) which has remained small – and yet has also been a source of connecting with some ladies I may not have otherwise.
3. To be an encouragement to the women in our church through support, prayer, and example.
4. To begin a ministry to young Muslim girls that will open doors to sharing the gospel.

Prayer Requests 1. That I (George) will continually consider Karen’s needs since it is just her and me. My attitudes and actions have a huge impact on her desire to be here with me in ministry, and her contentment in spite of missing our children and grandchildren.
2. The spiritual needs of our children and their families.
3. Deeper relationships with our Muslim friends so that they open up and share more and want to know more about our faith and that God would draw them to himself.

Autumn happenings

Karen and I are packing our bags for Malawi, Africa, to stay with our daughter and her husband from October 13th to 21st. Alisa and Adam Gagne serve there as short-term missionaries, and our church here in Birmingham supports them financially. We look forward to seeing their work among youth and AIDS-affected families. Both of us are fighting off colds and the long night flight probably won’t do us any good. Please pray good health.

Less than 2 weeks after we return to England, we fly to an Asian country as guests of a conference for missionaries serving in Muslim-majority nations. We have been asked to share something from our own experience in ministry and be available to counsel with conference attendees. May God use us to encourage others serving Christ in difficult circumstances.

Ministry opportunities abound here in our part of Birmingham. Currently I am leading a 5-week Islam seminar using our church as a venue, having invited specific individuals and congregations. We just completed the third week, and will now break for a week while we are away in Africa. Due to growing demand, Karen now teaches three English classes weekly. Her Moms & Tots ministry is gradually growing with a high of 5 moms coming with their little ones. Karen’s volunteer helper from the church will carry on while we are absent. Great!

Please pray for our church here as it seeks to understand its place in a multi-cultural neighbourhood. It is going through the pains associated with a growing, active ministry footprint in our area, but still waiting for the fruit of new Christians and changed lives. Pray that God will bless us with a passion for people, love among ourselves, and a vision for what God wants to do through us.

All for now,


Looting and Living in England

By now you are aware of the widespread rioting in British cities now in its fourth day. Karen and I are safe, being several miles removed from the current trouble spots. Things can change in a moment, but we do not expect trouble to come our way. Everyone here is shocked and disgusted at the senseless violence, especially since most of the rioters appear to be young people aged 15 to 18. People point fingers in various directions, and no doubt there are many short-term factors contributing to the collapse of law and order. But I keep thinking about Proverbs 29:18–

Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law. (NIV)

Or, as another version puts it…

When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful. (NLT)

And boy are they running wild! The present phenomenon didn’t come about overnight. This society is broken. Britain has lost its way spiritually and has forsaken its Savior. Yet on the other hand it is enamored with so many things: material goods (hence the looting), the new atheism, American pop culture, the Twilight series, fame and celebrity, and the list goes on.

This nation needs help, God’s help. May He help us to be faithful to do our part.