George & Karen King


queen with headscarf birmingham

Recently a Fox News pundit asserted that Birmingham is a “totally Muslim city” to which “non-Muslims do not go.” The blunder prompted a flurry of comedic responses.

  • local band “Duran Duran” is renamed “Quran Quran”
  • the largest fast-food chain in the city is “Burqa King”
  • Birmingham is now SO Muslim that they recently voted to remove “ham” from the name
  • and then there’s the tweet about the Queen’s headscarf…

According to the 2011 census, Birmingham is 46.1% Christian, 21.8% Muslim, and 19.3% non-religious, so the Fox expert was clearly misinformed. But does that mean all is well in Birmingham? I know of white English people who avoid a Muslim neighbourhood (one we frequent) because they feel unwelcome. On the other hand, I know of Muslim people who avoid going to a white working-class area for fear of being harassed by non-Muslims. Apparently the ‘no-go’ knife cuts both ways. There is tension between communities but little integration. And so, in our context, having freedom to preach the gospel assumes a component of promoting social cohesion. Walls of suspicion broken by friendship and caring gain you a hearing.

Lately, George has been walking in the evenings with Muslim neighbor “Danny” in order to gain such a hearing (mentioned in a previous post). Karen spends her days loving her Muslim ladies by helping them to read. May God grant them all faith.

“Faith comes from hearing the message” (Romans 10:17).

Your prayers and support are much appreciated!

Yours ever,

George and Karen

December in Birmingham


This time of year provides us with many means and ways to point others to the Lord Jesus. The boys and girls clubs will take a break for the holidays but not until after a Christmas party celebrating the birth of God’s Son. On the last Saturday before Christmas, we will join with other local Christians in a busy public shopping area to sing Christmas carols to shoppers. George will preach a Christmas gospel message as part of the event. On the last Sunday morning before Christmas, we will enjoy a Christmas play performed by the church children and led by Karen. That evening, we will put on a Silent Night Carol Sing in honour of the 100th anniversary of the famous Christmas ceasefire on the battlefield during World War One. A great TV commercial reenacting the same event has been widely seen in British homes so it is very much in the national consciousness right now. Here it is…

Finally, on Christmas morning as per custom, our church will gather together to remember that the presents, the turkey dinner, and everything else we enjoy about Christmas is only possible because of the birth of the baby in the manger. Christmas starts with Christ.

We anticipate an exciting Sunday service between Christmas and New Years in which 3 of our young people will be baptized. What better way to close one year and start a new one?

In the new year, we hope to see the launch of a fellowship of believers from a Muslim background from across Birmingham. George will be sitting with several other key people this month to work through some of the advance preparation needed to create such a fellowship. Please pray about this important development and that God would lead the way to make it a reality in 2015.

Thank you for standing with us faithfully! Yours ever,

George and Karen

September in England

On September 11, 2001, wicked men brought down the Twin Towers in the name of God. Nobody had even heard of “Islamic State” (ISIS/ISIL). Now 13 years later, one could be tempted to think that Al Qaeda seems almost tame in comparison.

You prayed as we spent 4 Days on the Beach. You prayed for travel safety and God gave it as we drove the 4-5 hours there and back. You prayed for the families to enjoy getting to know each other. God also answered that prayer as we saw potential barriers of ethnic, cultural and religious differences crumble away. You prayed that we would be safe at the beach and that we would have good weather. We did! We enjoyed extended periods of sunshine especially at the beach, enough to get a sunburn. If you know anything about British weather, you will know that sunshine is a precious and rare jewel, especially in summertime.

You prayed as George was planning to share a message from God’s Word on the final night. That did not happen as planned. Instead, on the first night, a spontaneous gospel conversation broke out as the men sat and relaxed together before going to bed. On the second night, the other men asked George to play guitar and sing whatever songs he would like. He started with ‘Everlasting God’, thinking about the one man there whose mother had passed away 2 weeks before (‘you comfort those in need’). That led to ‘Our God’ (‘out of the ashes we rise’), ‘Your Grace Finds Me’ (‘in the weeping by the graveside’), and a handful of other songs with clear Christian lyrics. In between, George explained God’s grace in Christ as portrayed in the songs. The men kept asking for more songs, saying they were ‘encouraging’, ‘therapeutic’, and ‘good for the soul’.

Pray that God will continue to speak. Pray also for spiritual fruit as we restart regular fall ministries. We thank God continually for your prayers. God is at work!

George and Karen

On the Beach!

sunset beach 6

Please pray this weekend as we spend 4 DAYS ON THE BEACH!

Over 30 of us will cook, eat, play, and otherwise spend time together in a weekend retreat from Friday, Aug 1st to Monday, Aug 4th.

  • Pray for safety as we drive the 4-5 hours in 2 mini-buses on Friday and then get settled into our rooms
  • Pray that we all have a blast getting to know each other.
  • Pray for safety at the beach and good weather to enjoy it!
  • On our last evening together (Sunday), George will speak to the whole group. He appreciates your prayers. It would be great if you could remember this while you are at church on Sunday morning.
  • Pray for safety again as we drive back on Monday.
  • Pray that this will be the beginning of good things to come in many lives!