George & Karen King

December 2017

Praise & Prayer Points

PRAISE: Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come and has redeemed his people. He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David (as he said through his holy prophets of long ago) – Luke 1:68-70

  • Praise God that Karen’s new ‘conversation circles’ have been going well in answer to prayer. A good number of spiritual discussions have happened so far. More to follow, Lord willing.
  • The Nov 4th nationwide conference in Birmingham was very well received by those who attended. Good speakers, good fellowship, and good food made it a memorable and helpful day for all.

PRAYER: to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God – Luke 1:78,79

  • Christmas season is a great time of year for outreach events. Please pray for gospel impact in the following:
  • Dec 14 – Karen’s Christmas party for her ladies
  • Dec 16 – Childrens Friendship Club Christmas party
  • Dec 16 – Open-air Carol Sing in a main street shopping area
  • Dec 17 – Carols by Candlelight service
  • Dec 24 – Christmas Family
  • Dec 31 – New Years Family Event

Thank you for praying,

George and Karen King
Birmingham, England

October 2017

Praise & Prayer Points

PRAISE: The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him. – Psalm 28:7

  • Karen’s English classes are bursting at the seams with ladies. Her newest students are a Syrian lady and her 10 year old daughter who hasn’t been able to get a school placement yet. The mother came initially to access the church’s foodbank, but when she saw an English class going on, she begged to join in too!
  • Karen is also praising God for her class helpers who make the larger classes more manageable.
  • Various plans for outreach ministries are gradually coming together to facilitate God’s work here. The Lord gives wisdom and direction!

PRAYER: As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me. You are my help and my deliverer; do not delay, O my God! – Psalm 40:17

  • Pray for Karen’s new ‘conversation circles’ and how to make them work well when ladies have such differing language abilities. She hopes to have more faith conversations in these Thursday afternoon sessions.
  • Pray for a Nov 4th nationwide conference in Birmingham. George is part of a small group organizing the conference.
  • Pray about the ongoing explorations and efforts to secure our church’s future land and facilities.

Thank you for praying,

George and Karen King
Birmingham, England

July 2017

Please pray for Karen’s English classes as they finish up for the summer on July 21st (when the schools break up for summer holidays in England). Pray for God’s continued work in the hearts as these dear women and their families that their eyes would be opened to the truth.

On Saturday July 22 we will participate in an outreach event to our community with a Family Fun day in a local park.

July 24-26 our church will conduct a 4 day club for the neighbourhood children. Please pray for good numbers as we plant seeds of truth in the hearts of the many children who attend from non Christian backgrounds. 

Please pray for our witness as we once again are hosting 2 Korean university students who are studying English this month in Birmingham. 

July is a very busy month here. Please pray for an added measure of strength. 

We fly home to Canada on Aug 2 for a 6 week period of reporting to some of our churches and spending time with our grandchildren!

Thank you!

George and Karen King

April 2017

Praise & Prayer Points

PRAISE: …there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. – Luke 15:10

  • The husband of one of our church members accepted the Lord on his death bed. Some 200 gathered for his funeral and heard the gospel proclaimed. His widow is greatly comforted.
  • A second church member died and George took that funeral also, seeking to comfort the largely unsaved family with the comfort that comes through faith in Christ. God was honoured.
  • The gospel preached in the marketplace at an open-air Easter Saturday event rehearsed the last supper, crucifixion, burial and resurrection of the Lord to passers-by.

PRAYER: Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. – Proverbs 16:3

  • For a planning meeting (Apr 27) to consider the future of a sister ministry to Muslims in our area. May God provide everything that is needed for its continuation and fruitfulness.
  • For the fledgling fellowship of believers, and for a special city-wide conference being planned for the autumn.
  • For another upcoming planning meeting (May 3) seeking to encourage more and more Christian involvement in prayer for and outreach to Muslims in our city.
  • For planning meetings for a July VBS ministry in our church, our July Family Fun Day in the Park, and the future expansion of our church ministry, So much planning at this time!


Thank you for praying,

George and Karen King