Ministry Moments
- In Girls Club, Karen told the story of 4 friends who brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus. Jesus surprised them all by saying, “Your sins are forgiven.” Many Muslims stumble at the idea that Jesus can forgive sins.
- We invited a local Muslim day school to tour our church. Students were fascinated by what they saw and heard. A few weeks later, they invited George to come to school to explain the Christian faith to them.
- One of Karen’s ladies asked how Christians earn God’s favour. Karen replied we don’t have to earn God’s favour because Jesus paid it all by his death on the cross. Our good works are simply gratitude in action. The cross is enough!
Prayer Points
- George will lead a Muslim outreach course for area churches on Sunday evenings in June and July
- The Fellowship of Believers from Muslim background will meet on June 18th
- With sister churches, we will do a July 23rd Family Outreach in a local park
- A team from a Canadian church is preparing to come and lead a VBS in August
Your prayers and support are much appreciated!
Yours ever,
George and Karen