Hi everyone! We want to announce our new website, georgeandkaren.info, and the retirement of our old website, we7kings.com. Now that we are empty-nesters, it was about time we had a new web identity. Some of our kids were feeling a little embarassed at the dated family pictures there. Anyway, this new website has everything that was on the old site as well as many new features. Enjoy!
Our 3 1/2 month furlough is winding down. In our Brantford house, there is a lot of painting and other improvements taking place, while we meet regularly with family members to make the most of this brief time. On top of that, we continue to speak at churches to tell them what great things God has done in our 3 years in Birmingham.
Please pray that we will have the expenses covered at our Brantford house while we are away in England. Pray also that we will be able to fully renovate the Al-Kitab website to increase its effectiveness as an international outreach tool. So far over $5000 of our goal of $8500 has come in. Praise God with us!
Karen and I return to Birmingham on August 1st. It will be hard to leave family once again, but it will be good to rekindle friendships we have in England. Thank you for your interest. We appreciate your prayers and support.