This spontaneous scribble on a cardboard flower by one of the girls clubbers speaks for itself. If we can leave positive memories like this of Christians and church with the boys and girls in our clubs, fantastic! God will use it for good in the years to come.
Eighteen months ago, we mentioned our hope of forming a local Christian network to generate focused prayer for the Muslims who comprise 21.8% of Birmingham according to the 2011 census. Well, the network was born with 6 Christian leaders who met to pray as Mahabba East Birmingham (Mahabba is Arabic for “love”). That initial meeting became a monthly event, meeting in a different church or ministry facility each month. Then a second monthly meeting began. Today, seven area churches and five local parachurch ministries are part of Mahabba East Birmingham. Recently, the network sponsored a seminar mainly taught by believers from Muslim background on how churches can help new believers integrate into the church family. Soon it will offer a workshop on using Bible stories to explain the gospel.
This is all encouraging, because we believe that when God’s people begin to feel the need to pray, it is because God is about to do something new. And we want to be part of what He is doing.
Yours for Jesus’ sake,
George and Karen King